How can I pay for Club Sports on a Budget?

  “Two kids playing soccer in the park”,  Image by "FreePik"
“Two kids playing soccer in the park”, Image by "FreePik"

How can I afford the costs of club sports for my kid?

Whatever kind it may be, club sports can offer a challenge when trying to save money or cutting back on costs as a family. Nowadays, it seems like it doesn't matter what sport your kid wants to play. Every team has entry costs, tons of gear (which gets grown out of quite quickly), and weekly travel expenses. You may be interested in the club sports experience but are turned away by all the money that will be spent. However, there are a few ways to save money if you decide to go down the path of trying out and eventually signing up for club sports. There are also a few alternatives to club sports that are just as beneficial.

Hand-Me-Downs and Used Sports Gear?

There are many ways to get gear that isn't brand new or from a name-brand seller. One of the most popular and arguably the best ways to get club gear for cheap is to buy hand-me-downs or go to a used sports gear store. Maybe you have older kids who have long grown out of their old gear. As tempting as it is to want to buy the newest and flashiest equipment, there lies a really good opportunity to cut back on the growing costs of club sports. If there aren't any hand-me-downs from the older brother or sister, ask your neighbors and your friends if they have anything hidden away. It might feel a bit uncomfortable to ask, but it is a great way to save money and not be wasteful. Another great option is a used sports gear store. One of the most well-known multi-sport reusable gear stores is Play it Again Sports.

Go Local and offer to Volunteer

Finding the right club for any sport is a tough task, and finding one that is affordable can be equally as difficult. When searching for club sports, start with the local teams in your area. One of the biggest costs of club and travel sports is the traveling itself. By reducing your commute, you can save time and money. Second, offer to volunteer for the club. If it seems like a good fit for your kid, considering helping out with the club could reduce your yearly costs. Although sports clubs are organized and professional, most rely on parents volunteering, to help organize, plan, and support. Asking to help out in exchange for paying a bit less might be possible!

Alternatives for Club Sports

Regardless of costs, club sports might not be the best for every kid and family. Maybe it takes up too much time and has too much of a structured schedule. It is also possible that you don't click with the clubs in your area, and that is also fine! There are a few great alternatives that your kid can take advantage of, especially if they want to excel and get better at their individual sport.
  1. Train on your own. Sometimes if the timing isn't right, or a good opportunity doesn't present itself, it might make the most sense to focus on individual training. Whatever the sport might be, doing some drills in the backyard or basement will give a young athlete the opportunity to grow in skill.
  1. Wait for high school. High school sports are usually really competitive and offer the opportunity to develop athletes who are still honing in their skills. Besides paying for a bit of gear, high schools offer uniforms, take care of travel expenses, and provide practice and game locations. With the system of freshman, junior varsity, and varsity teams, there will be a spot for your kid to work their way up, if they decide to get more invested in their sport.
  1. Look into taking private lessons. The advantages of private lessons are that they revolve around your schedule and you can pay for 1 or multiple sessions. Instead of paying thousands of dollars upfront for a season, your kid can get great lessons at an affordable cost. These lessons can prepare young athletes for club sports or high school sports in the future, as well as offering guidance and training plans for when they want to train individually. Top Tier Lessons provides high-level and reasonable pricing plans for athletes looking to continue and improve their game.

Weigh All Options, and do What is Best for You!

Overall, many different paths can be taken when introducing or continuing the next level of sports with your kid. Although possibly expensive, there are ways to save money on club sports. If that doesn't work out, there are many great alternatives as well. Remember, having fun with sports is the most important part of the journey!

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