How Athletics Help Mental Health

Sports and Mental Health

In this day and age, sports are more important than ever for the success of your children and the relationships that they have with others. In a world becoming increasingly more digital with the rising popularity of social media, vast amounts of streaming services, and video games, kids are consistently deciding to stay inside. Instead, they could be utilizing their creative energy and passion through all different kinds of sports. Everyone knows about the physical benefits that sports have. However, mental health is just as, or even more important for a young athlete. In this blog post, we will explore a few of the many ways in which sports can directly impact mental health for the better.

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Managing stress can be extremely difficult and everyone is affected at times. However, there are some great techniques that can be used to mitigate and severely reduce stress. One of those is playing sports! Cortisol is a hormone produced as a stress response in the body, and actively participating in fun, athletic activity can drastically reduce cortisol levels. Additionally, endorphins are released during physical activity, which are associated with increasing mood and overall happiness in the body. These benefits don't just last while playing but can positively alter someone's mood for hours after the fact. Besides the science, just think about it logically. Nothing is more fun than getting out there and playing your favorite sport! Your kids should feel that way too. Getting out there and playing could reduce stress for everyone.


It is proven that sports can most definitely reduce levels of anxiety and depression for lots of people. It is important for kids and young adults to have an outlet, which can help control the everyday issues life has to offer. Sports can also enhance confidence, self-esteem, and overall enjoyment of life. Young people deal with a lot of insecurity throughout the process of growing up. Participating in an event that can actively reduce these insecurities is very important in shaping oneself. These good habits of working at limiting insecurity, anxiety, and depression can also snowball later in life. Having a good coping mechanism can help young kids become young adults. Using the framework of sports as a tool can be invaluable, and learning about this power as a kid enhances the likelihood of being more successful and happier down the line.

Mental Performance

Sports can also help promote mental excellence, beyond just mitigating stress or anxiety. Thinking of the brain as a muscle, sports can train young minds to perform quicker and be more creative. Sports can also have an impact on the classroom, and are associated with increasing performance and academic determination.

What would life be like without Sports?

It is clear that sports can have a positive impact on the well-being of people, regardless of age. Learning life values, team building, resilience, and having FUN, are all great things that athletics offer. However, kids nowadays have more options that aren't related to sports. Social media has taken up everyone's time. It throws people on a screen for hours on end, not promoting any sort of physical activity. Additionally, screen time keeps people away from nature and the outdoors. This combination of being inside and focusing on the phone can lead to very negative effects, especially for younger kids. Issues with sleep, increases in anxiety, and mood swings are all but a few. Promoting activity through sports gets your kids out of the house and into a space where their energy and time can be put to use.

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Overall, balance is most important. By promoting sports as an alternative to solving problems and spending time, life may become much more enjoyable. It is okay to take a break from sports and focus on the many other important aspects of life. With that being said, we at Top Tier wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. Have fun with your family, friends, and kids while you create some awesome memories!

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