Travel Advice for When You Head to that Big Tournament

Image from Free Pik
Image from Free Pik

Traveling for a tournament, regardless of what sport it is, can be equally exciting and stressful for you and your athlete. In order to have a comfortable and successful trip, there are a few good rules and tips to follow. Check it out, so you can have the best experience every time!

Get there a Day or Two Early

Obviously it isn't always possible to pack up the bags a bit early before a major tournament. However, even when it is possible and affordable, most decide to show up right on time. If it is a car ride away, lots of families decide to head straight to the game, and when it is a little bit longer, such as a flight, even more people decide only to get in the night before. Although a bit more convenient, getting to a big tournament the night before or the day of can sometimes be a disadvantage. If it is in a different part of the country, it may take athletes a bit of time to become accustomed to the weather and atmospheric changes. For example, if you go from Illinois to Florida, it will be much more humid than up north. Driving long distances by car or having a really long flight can also cause problems. Legs and other muscles will become stiff really quickly and they will need a bit of time to recover before jumping into something competitive. There is nothing worse than hopping out of the car and playing right away, or getting into a hotel late at night and competing the next morning. Overall, getting accustomed to the area and being there a bit early could possibly reduce stress and offer mental clarity for your athlete.

Bring some Healthy Snacks

Whether it is a car ride or a flight, bringing some nutritional snacks along the way are a must. It is easy to pack up some stuff in the car right before your trip, and flying makes it a bit more difficult. If you are flying, try to get to a grocery store in the area and stock up with some good snacks in the hotel room. While traveling, schedules can turn upside down, and eating habits can become much different. Whether that is going to a nearby restaurant or hitting some fast food, it is important to have a backbone of nutrition to keep your body afloat. Granola bars, apple sauce, drinks heavy with electrolytes, and high protein snacks are all examples of something to keep handy. Sometimes parents and athletes forget that a tournament is more than just one game. Regardless of the sport, there may be multiple games, sessions, practices, etc. Athletes are going to need more than just 3 meals a day, so having something handy is a necessity for being safe and healthy.

Move Around!

First things first, rest is very important. However, too much rest might be bad for the body. During a tournament, there is a great toll on the body and an innate urge to sit in bed as much as possible. Although it is good to relax and let the body recharge, it is also important to move the body. If not, there is a chance for an athlete to become too stiff and way too tired before the big game. Going on walks to get the blood flowing and regularly stretching is a great way to get on top of it. Another fun way to get movement in between games is to explore a bit. When traveling for a tournament there is usually something interesting to see or to do. Looking up what good landmarks there are or what fun things there are in the area is a good way to create memories and to help your body at the same time. Furthermore, planning small events with the team, which are focused on moving the legs and rest of the body, is not only healthy, but a great way to bond.

Have fun

With the stress of performance and traveling, it can sometimes be hard to enjoy the moment. Remind yourself and your athlete that it is a privilege to be able to travel and enjoy the sport that you both love. It can be tough to not get caught up in the moment, but having perspective and seeing the bigger picture is necessary. Remember, these are only a few of many great strategies, so ask other parents and figure out what works best for you and your family. Good Luck!
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